Osteopera dedicated to teach through music

Sep 23, 2022
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A group of Kansas City University (KCU) students are using their talents to teach through the power of music. Osteopera is a KCU student musical group dedicated to educating its audiences about osteopathic medicine, caring, and health.

“We believe that music has the power to touch, inspire, and to promote healing,” said Nicholas Caruso, KCU second year osteopathic medical student, Osteopera member.

Choir members come from a variety of musical backgrounds, including classically trained singers and music majors. Caruso explains that some students even join with no experience in singing or music.

“Regardless of who we are as individuals or our musical backgrounds, Osteopera gives us all an opportunity to come together every week to relax and share a mutual appreciation for music,” says Caruso.

Every semester the group hosts a concert and have performed at events including the Gift Body Memorial Service. Some of the group’s songs have included “Don't Stop Me Now” by Queen and the Lion King's “Hakuna Matata.” Some students also perform individually on instruments such as the guitar and the piano.

“My own musical journey began at 10-years-old, rocking out on the drums to Nirvana and the Red Hot Chili Peppers in my parents' basement,” said Caruso.

Caruso says the group works together to craft their performance with positive reinforcement and constructive criticism.

“I would not be able to run Osteopera without the help of my fellow second year medical students, Sharon Wu, Harita Abraham, and Larissa Vollin. Adrianne DeWeese, who works in Alumni Relations, is our piano accompanist and the backbone of Osteopera. We quite literally could not have Osteopera without her,” said Caruso.

The KCU Joplin campus also has a similar group, Notocords, with Dr. Dennis Wolff serving as their advisor-sponsor.


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