Anti-discrimination at KCU

As an educational institution focused on improving the well-being of the communities we serve, Kansas City University (KCU) strives to provide an environment free of discrimination and harassment. To that end, the University expressly prohibits discrimination and harassment. This page provides information on the University's anti-discrimination efforts and non-discrimination statement, relevant policies, reporting information including an intake form, and resources and contacts at KCU. Please reach out to the equal opportunity coordinator at [email protected] with questions or concerns.

To be considered discrimination in this context (subject to KCU’s relevant anti-discrimination policies), the conduct has to be based on protected categories, such as sex, race, ethnicity, disability and other bases protected by law. Harassing conduct not related to one of these categories, for example, would not be subject to these specific policies (but may be subject to other disciplinary policies). For more information, please see the relevant anti-discrimination policies available on this page.