Satisfactory Academic Progress

Student progress is monitored after each major course assessment, at the end of each semester, after comprehensive examinations, and prior to applying for graduation. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) has two separate components: (1) continuing in good standing within the Program; and (2) meeting the federal regulatory requirements to receive financial aid.

Academic Implications

The MHS-AA program evaluates students for promotion and graduation based on the core professional competencies required of a Certified Anesthesiologist Assistant: medical knowledge, critical thinking, problem solving, clinical skills for patient care, interpersonal communication, professionalism, and self-directed lifelong learning. Students are assessed on these competencies through a combination of methods and tools, including written and computer-based exams, objective structured clinical exams (OSCEs), skills demonstrations, checklists, rubrics, small group discussions, attendance, timeliness of submissions, peer reviews, and clinical performance reports.

The Student Promotions Committee, MHS-AA-SPC, tracks student progress and makes recommendations to the Program Director that are appropriate to the individual student and circumstances. The MHS-AA-SPC meets at the end of each semester and ad hoc when a concern arises. See the SPC policy for further information.

Course Grades

Grades are recorded on the transcript at the end of each semester. The grade scale is the same for all MHS-AA courses.

Letter Grade

Percentage Points

Grade Points




















Other grades: Pass (P), Fail (F), Incomplete (I), In Progress (IP), Withdrawal (W), Administrative Withdrawal (AW), or Administrative Drop (AD).

Students must pass each course with a letter grade of “C” (70%) or better and must finish each semester with a GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale to continue to the next semester in good standing. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required to graduate.

Clinical Requirements

Students must accrue a minimum of 2000 hours to graduate. Students must also complete a minimum of 600 anesthetic cases as prescribed by the Cumulative Requirements of Clinical Anesthesia Experience I – VII.

Codes of Conduct

Students must also demonstrate appropriate professional and ethical behaviors in all environments, including campus, clinical settings, and community. See KCU Catalog for student codes of conduct. Alleged violations are reported by Student Services to MHS-AA-SPC or directly via submission of an Area of Concern (AOC) by any faculty, staff, or student.

Financial Implications

Federal regulations require schools to monitor the academic progress of Title IV financial aid recipients. KCU must certify that students are making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward the completion of their KCU degree. KCU follows the regulations set forth by the U.S. Department of Education that students are meeting the three required measurements to determine SAP: qualitative (GPA), quantitative (progression), and time frame.

The policy applies to students who are receiving federal aid; however, these standards are cumulative so this includes all periods of the student’s enrollment, which may include times when the student did not receive federal aid. The academic standards set forth by MHS-AA program may vary from the financial aid policy for academic progress.

Qualitative Measure

Students are considered in good academic standing when they complete each term with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Students with a cumulative GPA lower than 3.0 will be placed on financial aid warning for the next academic term. MHS-AA students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in order to graduate from the program. The GPA cannot be rounded up to meet minimum SAP standards.

Quantitative Measure: Attempted vs. Completed

For students to progress through the program to graduate within the maximum time frame, Financial Aid requires all MHS-AA students to complete at least 67 percent of credit hours attempted. This is determined by reviewing the total number of courses attempted and the total number of courses completed in a term. In determining pace progression, the Financial Aid office calculates a completion rate for each student. The completion rate is the total number of credit hours successfully completed divided by the total number of credit hours attempted. Credit hours cannot be rounded up to meet the minimum SAP standards.

Attempted hours not earned include any grade of Fail (F), Incomplete (I), In Progress (IP), Withdrawal (W), Administrative Withdrawal (AW), or Administrative Drop (AD).

Time Frame: Pace Progression

Students are expected to make satisfactory progress toward their degree each academic year. Students must complete the MHS-AA program within 40 months of the matriculation date. Students who do not complete their degree within the stated time frame will not be eligible for financial aid without an approved financial aid appeal.

Repeated Coursework

Courses in which a student has received a grade of “F” may be repeated and eligible for financial aid. However, a student may receive aid for repeating a previously passed course only once with prior approval from the SPC. Repeated courses are counted as credits attempted and either earned or unearned, but only the most recent grade earned is used to calculate GPA.

SAP Review

SAP will be reviewed at the end of each academic term for all MHS-AA students. The Financial Aid office will review all students enrolled for the term to determine a student’s SAP status regardless of financial aid received.

Students will be notified via email if they fail to meet the minimum standards outlined above. This email communication will include an explanation of the standards evaluated and instructions on how to proceed.

SAP Warning

SAP is reviewed at the end of each academic term to ensure a student is making satisfactory academic progress toward their degree. If it is determined that a student has not met the minimum SAP requirements at the end of the term, the student will be placed on financial aid warning during their next period of enrollment.

Students on warning have one additional academic term in order to resolve the deficiency and meet the minimum SAP requirements. Students not meeting the minimum SAP standards after the warning term will no longer be eligible to receive federal aid without a successful appeal.

Appeal Process

Financial Aid will notify the student via email if an appeal needs to be submitted to continue receiving federal aid at KCU. Students returning from a long-term Leave of Absence (LOA) may be required to submit an SAP appeal. Students will be asked to submit an appeal form to the Financial Aid office. The form will require the student to complete the information listed below:

  • A written statement documenting the reasons for the failure to meet the standards of academic progress for financial aid eligibility.
  • The statement should be concise but long enough to address the student’s mitigating circumstances (e.g., serious illness of student or family member, death of relative, disruptive personal issue). There is no school-defined length.
  • A written statement explaining what has changed in the student’s situation that would allow the student to bring his/her academic progress up to satisfactory standards.
  • Supporting documentation is required to process the appeal.

Appeals will be reviewed and completed within two to four weeks of receipt. Students who submit appeals will be notified via email regarding the decision of their appeal. Students with approved appeals will regain federal financial aid eligibility. Students with denied appeals will be ineligible for federal financial aid until they meet the minimum SAP requirements. Appeal decisions are final.

Academic Plan

All students who fail to make SAP and file an appeal with the Financial Aid office are required, as part of the appeal process, to complete an academic plan form. The form can be obtained from the Financial Aid office and must be submitted after the appeal process is completed. The academic plan must ensure that the student is able to meet SAP standards by a specific point in time. The student will need to work with Student Services to develop a written academic plan to help improve academic performance.

Financial Aid Probation

Students who have approved appeals will be placed on financial aid probation and have their federal financial aid reinstated.

Students who are able to meet the SAP standards by the end of the next payment period will be placed on probation without an academic plan. The student’s academic progress will be reviewed at the end of the next payment period. Students who meet the minimum standards at the end of the probationary period are no longer on probation. Students failing to meet the minimum eligibility requirements at the end of the probationary period are considered ineligible to receive additional funds.

Students who are not able to meet SAP standards by the end of the next payment period will be placed on probation with an academic plan. Students will need to successfully follow the academic plan while in this status. The student’s academic progress will be reviewed at the end of each payment period while on the academic plan. Students who meet the criteria outlined in their academic plan will remain in that plan until it expires, or the student meets the minimum SAP eligibility requirements. Students must appeal to change their academic plan. Students who do not meet the academic plan criteria outlined in their plan will be placed back into suspension and will be ineligible for federal aid.

Without Approved Appeal

Students who are not making satisfactory academic progress and do not submit an appeal or have their appeal request denied, may regain eligibility only by taking action that brings them into compliance with KCU’s SAP standards.