Where did they place in 2024?
We can't wait to celebrate Match Day with you! #KCUMatchDay


The Basics of Applying to Residency
What is the Match?
The residency match is an application and selection process by which current fourth-year medical students and graduates investigate institutions for potential residency and fellowship positions. Likewise, the institutions are also interested in identifying good candidates for their open positions.
National Residency Match Program
Our students are eligible to participate in the National Residency Match Program® (NRMP®) for ACGME-accredited programs. A match is identified using a computerized mathematical algorithm to align the preferences of applicants and programs.
Military Match
Military students participate in the Joint GME Selection Board military match program unless approved for civilian sponsored or civilian deferred status. Military residency applications are submitted through the Medical Operational Data System website.
Students interested in ophthalmology and some plastic surgery programs participate in the SF Match.
Students interested in urology participate in the Urology Residency Match Program.
For more information about residency placement, visit our career and residency placement counseling page.
KCU medical students earn residency placements in Primary Care and other critical specialties on record match
Kansas City University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine medical students are once again leading the region in primary care, with 218 student doctors placing in specialties including internal medicine, pediatrics and family medicine during the National Resident Matching Program’s (NRMP) Match Day 2023. Read more by clicking here.
KCU medical students earn residency placements in Primary Care and other critical specialties on record match
Kansas City University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine medical students are once again leading the region in primary care, with 218 student doctors placing in specialties including internal medicine, pediatrics and family medicine during the National Resident Matching Program’s (NRMP) Match Day 2023. Read more by clicking here.
