Step 6 - Statistical Support
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
Students can request access to this statistical software for their laptop by contacting IT at [email protected]. You must specify that you need SPSS for a research project and provide the name of the KCU faculty member leading the project. Alternatively, SPSS is available on the computers in DCR-125 (Debydal Center for Research) on the Kansas City campus outside of reserved class times.
Note: KCU faculty can also get access to SPSS on their KCU-issued laptop by contacting IT at [email protected].
CPHE Research Lab
The Center for Population Health and Equity (CPHE) Research Lab is an integral part of KCU’s overall research infrastructure offering support to students throughout the research process. The lab helps students shape study questions, plan study designs, complete IRB forms, work with publicly available data, perform data analysis, interpret results and share findings. The lab can also provide advanced statistical support when needed.
Pascal Statistical Procedures Package (PSPP):
This free software mimics proprietary SPSS software and can perform almost all of the same statistical functions.
Jeffreys’s Amazing Statistics Program (JASP)
Jeffreys’s Amazing Statistics Program (JASP) is a free across-platform software that performs numerous statistical functions in both classical and Bayesian forms.
KCU partners with KU Frontiers Clinical and Translational Science Institute, which provides statistical support and collaborations.