Allegra Baxter

Recent Blog Posts By Allegra Baxter

Generation generated: Artificial intelligence in health care

By Allegra Baxter Dec 11, 2024

In 2023, generative artificial intelligence (AI) had its breakout year as we delved into the realm of AI-generated art, copywriting and chatbots. These captivating and practical tools are just the tip of the iceberg in a world where emerging technology continually finds its way into our daily lives. 

Expanding what we know about the science of emotions

By Allegra Baxter Dec 11, 2024

Emotions – they shape our self-concept, influence relationships, impact performance and color our overall experience of the world. Despite the universality of emotional experience, a nuanced understanding of them remains elusive for many. Through their own individual research within the Department of Health Service Psychology, home to KCU's doctoral program in clinical psychology, Drs. Jennifer Fugate and Nicki Zieber are each actively working to discover deeper understandings of human emotional perception.