KCU's Score 1 for Health assessment proves life-changing for Joplin child

By Haley Reardon Jan 4, 2024
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While wearing new glasses, Shelby Davenport smiles next to mother and father.

Healthier families make healthier communities. With that goal in mind, KCU’s Score 1 for Health provides free in-school health screenings for elementary-aged children in Kansas City and Joplin. Through Score 1, osteopathic medical students gain valuable clinical experience in pediatric health assessment while providing a meaningful community service. For Chelsey Davenport, her husband, John, and their son, Shelby, a routine Score 1 assessment proved life-changing.

When Shelby was around the age of 3, Chelsey and John began to notice he would tilt his head from side to side when he watched television. They considered it a quirk and no cause for concern. Shelby seemed to be quite advanced for his age as he began learning to read long before he started school. Chelsey recalls that he would skip over small words such as “and” or “the” when reading his books. She and John attributed this to speed reading.

In 2017, during his kindergarten year at Kelsey Norman Elementary School in Joplin, Shelby received a Score 1 vision screening. When Shelby arrived home from school later that day, Chelsey was surprised to learn that paperwork from his screening noted a diagnosis of astigmatism, an imperfection in the curvature of the eye that results in blurred or distorted vision.

The Davenports took their son to a local optometrist for follow-up with his Score 1 paperwork tucked away in Chelsey’s purse. The doctor confirmed the diagnosis precisely as the KCU medical student who screened Shelby suspected. The doctor then asked if they noticed Shelby skipping words when reading. “This was our 'aha' moment. We couldn’t believe it when the doctor asked us that,” remarked Chelsey. “We then understood that Shelby was skipping over small words, but he would eventually start skipping over meaty words and struggle with reading comprehension.”

Thanks to Score 1 for Health and early intervention, Shelby received prescription eyeglasses to correct his astigmatism. His head tilting stopped immediately and by the end of his kindergarten year, and his reading advanced beyond his grade level. Today, Shelby excels at both academics and athletics.

“The early screening Shelby received changed his life. He avoided academic difficulties that could have adversely impacted his future and his self-confidence,” said Chelsey. “We are so very grateful for the work of Score 1 for Health and the difference it made for our family."

Learn more about Score 1 for Health by clicking here.



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