Center for Clinical Competence
The Kesselheim Center for Clinical Competence provides you access to state-of-the-art patient simulators, enabling you to experience integrated medical emergency scenarios and linking those experiences with the standardized patient interactions.
Abbott, Lindsey

Lindsey Abbott


Simulation Nurse Educator
Instructor of Simulation
Ackerson, Kristi

Kristi Ackerson


Simulated Patient II
AlMohtadi, Ann

Ann AlMohtadi

Simulated Patient
Apple, Tom

Tom Apple

Simulated Patient II
Awaken, Joel

Joel Awaken

Simulated Patient
Ball, Jessi

Jessi Ball

Simulated Patient
Barnett, Cathy

Cathy Barnett

Simulated Patient II
Barnett, Daniel

Daniel Barnett

Simulated Patient
Beck, Kevin c

Kevin Beck

Simulated Patient
Beckett, Trisha

Trisha Beckett

Simulated Patient
Bendon, Mike

Mike Bendon


Simulated Patient
Bill-Copping, Claudia L

Claudia Bill-Copping

Simulated Patient
Blackman, Sarah

Sarah Blackman

Simulated Patient
Blanc, Nicole

Nicole Blanc

Simulated Patient
Boulter, Terrie

Terrie Boulter

Simulated Patient
Bowden, Rebecca

Rebecca Bowden


Senior Director Simulation
Professor of Immunology
Boyd, Esther

Esther Boyd


Simulated Patient
Bulan, Diane

Diane Bulan

Case Trainer II
Burnham, Jessica

Jessica Burnham

Simulation Operations Specialist
Burns, Sheila

Sheila Burns

Simulated Patient II