Global Health Track FAQs

Q: Is the Global Health Track available at KCU-Joplin?
A: Yes. The Global Health Track is available at both the Kansas City and Joplin campus locations.
Q: What are the benefits to participating in the Global Health Track?
A: Upon graduation, you’ll receive a printed certificate in Global Health, in addition to your DO degree. You’ll receive broad-based training in the issues that surround the need for and delivery of health care worldwide. This training will be in the form of didactic sessions, self-study, formulation and implementation of a research project, hands-on sessions and field experiences, as well as clinical clerkships overseas. This is invaluable experience considering the increasing globalization of today’s modern world.
Q: What is the cost to participate?
A: The only costs you’ll be responsible for are those related to required books and your travel, such as flights, hotel, travel immunizations, travel insurance, etc.
Q: Is financial aid available to cover travel expenses?
A: Yes, you may obtain additional financial aid through the Financial Aid Office.
Q: How much time will this take in addition to my usual course load?
A: Approximately 20-30 hours each semester, based on planned sessions, for years one and two.
Q: What are the requirements in order to apply for the Global Health Track?
A: You must be in the top third of your class in academic rank, cannot have failed a section or practical exam, be in good academic and personal standing with the University, and be willing to participate in all of the required activities.
Q: What countries can I do clinical clerkships in?
A: This is flexible, based on your desire and the safety of the region.
Q: Will it affect where I do my third- and fourth-year clerkships?
A: Not all third-year core sites are able to accept Global Health Track Students. Completion of international clerkships is required. More details are made available through the Department of Clinical Education once the third-year Clerkship Site Match is finalized.
Q: If I’m not selected for the Global Health Track, will there still be opportunities for me to participate in international clerkships?
A: Yes, KCU does offer other opportunities for which eligible students may apply.
Q: Will my international clerkships require any additional preparation?
A: Some clerkships require additional applications, documents, health clearances, immunizations and/or language training which must be completed prior to the clerkship assignment.
Q: Is a research project required?
A: Yes, you will be required to complete a research project.
You will be supported on campus in the development, design and human subjects (Institutional Review Board) submission of the project. The director must approve your project prior to initiation.
Projects may be longitudinal. You will be provided the opportunity to work on a longitudinal project or to work collaboratively on a project. However, the director must approve all project work. You must demonstrate and maintain a high level of rigor and commitment to the project in order to receive required credit for the research component of this track.